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Read full description here


This initiation brings you upon the lazuli (blue) path by aligning your 3rd eye pineal gland to the lazuli eye of Horus with Lazarus Prince of Light, guide on Sirius and Ishtar Rose as the audio channel. Oh beautiful blue ray of the heavens and the waters! This lazuli ray brings wisdom, knowledge and aligns you back into your soul nobility. Blending Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, God and Goddess, the saints of the blues from the Marys to Krishna, and is one with the sacred waters. 


This is the only transmission you need to apply for and cannot purchase & download directly online. Please email me at just to share a little about how and what led you here so we can connect in person first, before I send you the audio transmission to do in a sacred ceremony on your own in your own time, yet with myself and Lazarus holding space for you from distance. 


It is £88 donation to receive this just by audio, as it is a very high frequency initiation with preparation.


If you are open and committed to doing this, spirit will then prepare you for the ceremony and I will also send you an information sheet with the audio to prepare in your own ways. 


I also request that afterwards you feedback to me by email how it has been, and with the time and date, so I may do blessing meditation for you with Lazarus. 

You may also be interested in the blue ray light transmission


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