You are going to be aligning to the 13 crystal skulls of light in the higher realms.
You will do this by reciving a VERY HIGH ENERGY VIBRATION reiki attunment by distance to receive the energy codes of the 13 crystal skulls in the ethers and from the higher realms to activate christed consciousness for your own light body and for the light grids of the earth - to your very own level that you are ready for and this will be utterly unique for you.
The reiki attunement originally comes through from Hari Andri Winarso and it comes with extra information on the crystals and a 5 min audio activation by Ishtara Rose, to deepen the attunement alignment to the 13 crystals, with the bright NEW LIGHT that is entering the earth planes at this time.
After purchasing please email me to notify me and give me 3 days to do the distant attunment and then I will email you when it is ready.
You will receive -
1 x pdf reiki manual from Hari Andri Winarso
1 x pdf information booklet on crystals skulls and skulls as esoteric objects by Ishtara Rose
1 x 5 minute activation audio to listen to when you do the attunement, this sets the space and then leaves you to go deeper into your own process and silent space direct with the skulls, for as long as you need.
You will receive information and light christed healing from the divie union of the skulls that is unique for your own divine blueprint and this energy can only be used for LIGHT of highest good for all concerned. It will turn up the dial for your ascension path of enlightenment, activate yrou mediumship and light body deeper levels, and create a divine union with your higher self within and yrou higher destiny and divine mission at this time.
"It is believed that the 13 crystal skulls have been crafted by the Maya civilization and kept inside a pyramid in a formation known as the Ark. Twelve skulls were placed in a circle, each representing a sacred planet, and the 13th skull placed in the middle, representing the collective consciousness of all worlds.
By placing the skulls this way, one could access the supernatural knowledge contained in them, promoting human enlightenment
It is believed that these skulls contain information that could further the evolution of humans and help the world survive a global catastrophe that is coming.
The 13 crystal skulls also hold other supernatural powers such as healing powers, to store all the ancient knowledge and pass it along, enhance psychic powers, provide access to premonitions and visions”
You might also be interested in working with the 13th star transmission for the august moon that came in 2020 but is for all times
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