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Painting, The Return of Persephone, by Kinuko Y Craft


2 polarities, pendulum swings


left right, action inaction, good luck bad luck, summer winter


A seeming good thing happens and then a bad thing, the wheel always turns, always turns.


You can't stop the wheel from turning in a good time, but you can take the magic and light to fill you and uplift you as you move forward in flow

and in a bad time you can embrace knowing it will turn - so if you in a shitty phase know it will turn, and you can take the deep wisdom to carry you forward and keep you true & kind when it turns to summer again


On this path, the aim is to be in the middle of this wheel to balance it


Knowing the thoughts and feelings are not real.


But with this knowledge many then assume to deny the feelings and this just buries them further and leads to using spirituality as escapism. This is the patriarchal old school spirituality of up and out for ascension, but leads to repression & denial - fawning fake summers of joy joy joy bliss bliss bliss.


We must embrace death winter as well as birth summer.


The irony is that only through embracing both polarities can we sit in the centre.


The feminine way is through the feelings. (By feminine I refer to the feminine yin aspect within all people)


Although we know they are not real (there is nothing but light) we get to the light by going through them. Not over them.


MM recently showed me the shape of a U, and how we go down under and up, to go through


We embrace the feelings, we feel them, we embrace the winters and summers and feel them; whilst simultaneously sitting in the middle. The way to the middle is through them but not getting lost in them.


We do not drown in them and get lost within them.


But ironically it is only through feeling them that we swim to the light.


We also go up to the light - to bring it back down again and earth it.


Ah okay so this is a winter, hello my old friend, I know you are not true, you are the winter on the wheel, but I will not deny you, I will listen, feel, accept, and allow you in, and not deny myself the medicine of this winter, but whilst I do that I will not get swamped within you and lose the light, and think you are real, in fact through feeling and allowing you, it leads to sitting in the centre again


Ah okay so this is a summer, hello my old friend, I know you are not true, you are the summer on the wheel, but I will not deny you, I will listen, feel, accept, and allow you in and not deny myself the medicine of this summer, whilst I do that I will not get swamped within you and lose the light, and think you are real, in fact through feeling & allowing you, it leads to sitting in the centre again


Everything starts in the emotions within, but it is also true that we can allow emotional energy healing in through the body from without ie through nutrition etc to affect the inner energy & emotional frequency, we do both.


At this time of the great shift, the shifting polarities are more intense than ever, many are clearing 1000s of year of ancestral generational trauma, in one lifetime we may have the equivalent of what used to be several lives, as we are clearing so much karma across so many timelines.


The huge emotions coming up to be seen and for clearing, are causing adrenal fatigue for many.


Stress is perceived by the amygdala (anagram of magdalena, for a reason) and the amygdala sends a distress signal, the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands. Magdalena truly is our teacher who takes us down through and up.


For those on the magdalene paths who are clearing through the 7 gates (chakras), going down through and up, you want to support your adrenals as you do so. You are working through alot.


Any emotional event, or anything that for our inner feels like stress, can knock the adrenals. The path of healing is a prime example of this as it brings up so much to be cleared and this is why we go step by step and too fast would be too much for the system. stress on adrenals of course can be from anything subconscious we are holding ie trauma programming in childhood, the divorce or rel breakdown, overworking, narc abuse recovery, just parenting in this time in and of itself is immense, basically life in this time. and especially intensive energy clearing periods and ego deaths.


So if you have been in intensive period for some times (years) of energy clearing on this path, and you are here feeling the polarity shifts, then remember to look to supporting the adrenals. You may even find they have been out all your life and when you look to supporting them it can shift so much on the inner for you as well, as a game changer to help you balance the polarities and sit in the middle of the wheel.


When the adrenals are out, it can look like unable to sleep, taking hours to wake up and get going, chronic fatigue, and second winds at night so up to 2am on a roll with something etc


You can rebalance the adrenals on the inner through energy work in any of the ways / modalities you work or are drawn to (or even asking for them to rebalance and asking energy to rebalance them, giving self an adrenal healing, or asking guides to help or getting some crystals or collect some sacred stones form the earth and ask them to balance your adrenals and sit in a circle of them around you or placed upon you etc there is no end to how you can do it)


You can do it on the outer through early nights, afternoon naps, gentle exercises (stretching, walking, moving like dance, shaking) You don't need to do a particular regime or technique, that may become overwhelming as another thing to do, another self imposed condition that is too much for the system. Instead you want to just gently stretch and move however you want. And of course diet and nutrition - you want to avoid sugar and focus on clean foods veg fruit protein clean carbs, and perhaps sup with B vits, magnesium, zinc and herbs like schisandra, maca etc you can do your own research on herbs for adrenals or speak with someone


For adrenal fatique the thing is gentle. soft and gentle. no harsh movements. As much as you can take time to move slow in each moment, embrace with no shame, gently gently doing what you can in each moment to come out of survival mode and into aligned flow


and coming back full circle to the start of this post, coming into the centre of the wheel of the polarities - embracing the feelings with no denial, no shame, time to allow each emotion whilst also knowing it is not real - we go through them not over them but do not get lost in them. in fact as you feel each emotion it clears faster and you get to the centre faster.


But adrenal fatigue is not about an end goal and certainly not about fast. Take all the time you need, it is all about going slow.


This is also behind building abundance and manifestation, it all starts in the nervous system, fight flight freeze fawn, and the balancing of the adrenals and magdalena (amygdala), be it health, money or love that you seek, it all starts within.

Go slow, go slow, go slow. The way is out of the head and through the heart. Gentle gentle gentle. Slow down slow down slow down. Listen to the soul.

That afternoon nap might just bring you more wealth than you can imagine.


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