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ascension keys - channelled light transmissions & journeys - wealth recoding coaching - high end spiritual mentorship - based on mediumship guidance - clearing and healing - quantum 5d light code prosperity activations - in the ways of the rose - next level divine feminine leader


ishtara rose priestess




Self led Prosperity Activation by audio investment £144


4 week Golden Chalice Prosperity Course investment £444 (read below)


or pop an email to enquire for your private bespoke golden chalice session














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"the key is to go up and receive the light

then bring it back down and earth it"

(MM channelled by Ishtara)


spiritual wealth is about marrying heaven and earth

this are transmissions to grow your branches high

and then root it into the material

wherever you are on this path of wealth


 this is not a surface 'get rich' course, although that will happen for you too. Yet this is much more: it is a longer lasting life transformative enquiry, it is a path and a journey to hold you through a much deeper rooted process of true prosperity in her many forms, touching into the shadow of existential angst in the modern condition from the old paradigm ways of living, and into the emotional egoic tension from coming away from the old into the new ways (ego death) gently but powerfully addressing this journey & death/birth transition with 

subconscious belief clearing, wealth recoding coaching, ascension keys, tools & teachings, channelled light transmissions, healing journeys & meditations, and of course wealth activations,

to live life in the new ways, to birth the new, in the way of the feminine, the way of the soul whispers,

 to bridge heaven and earth together as the golden tree,

working with and activating your own golden chalice,

as you call in your golden harvest and activate your golden rose 


You will meet the priestesses and princesses of the golden ages of incredible luxury with their chalices, as well as the wandering naked saddhu with his dakshina bowl,

both filled with one thousand glittering suns.


This is for those on the spiritual pathways who are ready to stand in value, self invest and understand the power of inner quantum work. This is not a process where you come to be fixed and sorted by another as your source, this is a process where you understand you are the power, you are the source, you are the one you seek

and you will receive keys to turn on the switch, so to speak.


You are given the teachings over 4 weeks but you can take as long as you wish

and may wish to work with them for many years.


Trusting the teachings, as you are guided step by step in a series of audios, each one leading to the next, you will open a doorway and yes this will switch something ON, and the ripples of this 4 week immersion will last many days, weeks, months, years... shining light into all areas of your life for yourself and all those around you, as you share the light on. You make the intention, you make the decision, you make the choice, for you hold the power within you. This is all about coming back to sit in your throne as one who leads herself.


It all starts within

This is the Way of the Rose





​​ is a guided process to supercharge your prosperity consciousness.


You start in week 1 with money and wealth codes 

and then you flow from here into week 2 career and passion codes, 

in week 3 you open to love,  and all love relationship codes,

and finally you flow into week 4 for home, health and body codes to ground and embody it all,

then you complete with a full wealth activation ceremony



Each weekly module theme in your online portal contains










+ homework exercises

+ sharing and community 


+ THE FINAL 17th




You will be guided in a private online portal with community space

This is away from social media, and is for your support and to get any written feedback or answers to any questions, as well as to connect in with others on this pathway because we all inspire one another and learn from one another. You can share as much or as little as you wish


You can do this in the 4 weeks or you can take much longer, and work at your own pace, there is no rush to the finish line. The 4 week container is simply there to keep you on track and inspired. You can also revisit & work with the audios for many years to come. 


At the end you have a final prosperity activation ceremony

to fully seal the light activations of all your prosperity codes 

Please only listen to the final ceremony when all other work is completed.

There are no live calls.


Your investment to receive the entire 4 weeks of Light transmissions

to activate your wealth ascension codes is only £444


The energy of this one is BIG!!


If you are seriously interested and committed to supercharging your prosperity and ready to value yourself and self invest, then you want to join this one, because you will receive powerful light activations and transmissions in wealth by audios so you can revisit again and again.


We dive into wealth and yet that comes as a 'by the by',

this is really about so much more!!

It is really a download of ascension codes in 5d quantum living


And as well as activation of your own wealth codes

it is also a journey into enquiry: why you want wealth and what wealth truly is for YOU, to set you on the path of joy, fulfilment, flow 

and bring the Light into the material world

This is all about coming into Your Throne

and understanding your power

as you connect ever deeper with your own soul whispers

opening the channel, the flow, with ease, grace, beauty





earth & rise as the golden tree

 reap your golden harvest & golden fruits

drink from your golden chalice

sing the song of your golden bird

radiate the fragrance of your golden rose




we are born to be trees laden with fruits


when we relinquish attachments to the fruits 

and focus on the light

the fruits come

let us activate the fruits in your life, whatever they may be

for you are worthy of them


and once they are activated, you can shine the light in the world

as your beautiful unique bright self, with no shame

as the fullness of woman, with no shame

as the fullness of bounty and value, with no shame

just as a tree is born to be abundant, so too are you

this is your natural state of being

for goddess is source of all and this is the path of the goddess 

and this is the path of the rose


a rich tree can go to heaven for a rich tree IS heaven

it is a grasping materialistic hungry tree lost in need

(too much or too little)

that finds it hard to walk through the door of the kingdom

this is the difference between ego desire & soul inspiration

and something we go into in the teachings


these are high frequency, real & raw

pure transmissions & teachings



 easy to listen to in a busy life, this is a chance for you to open the door to be the golden tree, wherever you are in your story of prosperity, when you self invest you open the doors, are you ready to step through?


Expect breakthroughs and big changes!





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are you ready to self invest 

to awaken and activate your prosperity codes​​






for instance you can invest 222 now and 222 when we commence or half way through etc



​it is decreed that all the work here is in the light for the highest light of all, and that anyone who enrols on the course will get back what they invest with multifold fruits and gifts from Source!

You shall see!!

ishtara rose



To reconnect with this inner place within of divine pure feminine as the true source of all, empowering women to be next level way showers to bring ground breaking modalities out to the world to help others or simply to open the codes to be fully empowered and abundant within 


People talk about divine feminine leadership, leadership is often seen in masculine terms, but what is feminine leadership? It is power in a very different sense. It is not leadership 'over', it is leadership 'of self', in short, em-powerment and an inner state of sovereignty. It is from the feminine - from within. It is inner sovereignty. It is living from a place inside out, where we do the inner work first. We lead from the inner, not the outer. She is the one who births the empowerment. The more he holds her, the more she can flow in her grace. Then she can commune with him and guide him in his actions. She is the yin within, he is the yang without, the action. It all starts with her whispers within. So yes she may show discomfort and trauma and grief to release and yet she also brings realignment to divine pure soft grace. We will also have divine masculine guides to hold space for us as we dive deeper into her temples. 


When She leads, she does so from the inner, from a place of gentle grace, vision, surrender, soft flow, beingness, in harmony. This is the opposite of leadership associations of fast action based places, rushing to be places on time or to meet other people's standards, or with aim of placing value without on being highly visible with fame, money, success, all often rooted in an inner feeling of empty lack or false desire. When we clear away the false desire for those things, and find our value within, we can then activate true aligned desire, which is more creative flow from an inner place of fullness. When we commit and surrender to her grace, that is when true aligned inner and abundance and fullness leads to an empowered aligned leadership, and aligned healthy desires can be actualised. It happens in gentler ways, when she leads we are guided from within and we make rules for our own time, our own ways, we answer only to her within and no authoity out there who says how it should be. we can drop down to be in synch with our inner world and cycles.


To be a divine feminine leader means first to understand the rose path and open to her grace and open to those codes within. Finding worth and value from there. Then all else flows. Then we may step up to allow this to flow out through us to others, as part of our divine mission.


It may take any form, from creative pursuits to healing modalities, and thus our 'work' or 'career' becomes more flowing the light of our unique soul mission, and we are supported to flow with it, and so with that flow we allow Her gifts of abundance, health, prosperity, we are living our divine mission, and it is divine, it comes as a soul mission and we are supported in abundance to be in this flow. This is the new ways of abundance, living from within, these are the new prosperity codes of light  to tap into a new 'matrix' to even transcend the matrix if we so wish. These are indeed powerful times. So everything we create comes from within. As we do this we allow others to do the same, we take our work out to many, many beneift and also rise and do the same, the ripples flow out and everyone is empowered and lit up and thus we rise together. So a feminine leader is one who has activated her rose codes within and then is in full flow sharing the light, full alignment with her sacred grace and able to recive the flow of abundance (prosperity, love, health) that comes with that blessed flow


This is the way of the rose the way of the feminine.

She is the source of all.





This is what came to me in a vision. It is high end offering from Aphrodite to drink from her chalice,

transmitting the codes of abundance from light of the rose


We work in the ways of the rose, connected to the very sacred path of the rose and transmitted with the divine feminine spiritual masters light coding working energetically with the higher realms to help you really align to your divine mission. It is a sacred path.





these quantum light code activation of your own prosperity codes

through energetic recoding 

are in accordance with the live in the ways of rose

the ways of the goddess


All the programs of the Way of the Rose bring opportunity for -

divine feminine upleveling and rose activations

stepping into your inner beauty and self worth like never before

understanding the keys of holistic well being

 clearing out and align on the inner for self and others

embodying living in the quantum

connecting to goddess light within you who is source of all

aligning to empowerment and sovereignty and freedom

understanding mediumship as form of self knowing

channeling your guides and the goddess and get to know your own personal guides 

galactic temples of light

understanding and activating your divine mission at this time

learning how to activate others into the rose light

 immersion into the sacred path of the rose


there is nothing more powerful than a sovereign empowered woman in the fullness of her shakti, not answerable to another, she can receive a man to hold and support her with his solar rays, but he does not over power her, for he knows she is sovereign, and in his power he is not threatened by that but understands he is blessed by it. There is nothing more powerful than a beautiful woman in the fullness of her fruits who has activated her divine feminine shakti energy within her womb…that is the secret of the grail that they don't want you to know….that is why women were fragmented and this also fragmented man to disregard both women (and the female within himself), this is what keep men and women slaves, they lost the grail - the grail is the goddess within woman (and man), for it is an activated divine feminine who awakens the divine masculine, she christs him, she is the water that blesses him. This is the yin of the yang, this is the feminine flow, the water of the fire, the soul whispers that resides in all women and all men, so they can dance in harmony. This is also his own inner feminine self. Yes I am talking the whispers of the soul, the inner terrain, the hidden mysteries that she represents... the inner realms of intuition. Activating her within is the secret behind all prosperity so that yang can flourish as aligned action...for she is source of all, she is the light and the water that blesses and she is the nourishment of the tree so it may bear fruit! She is the yin the guiding whsipers behind the yang actions. This is what they really mean when they say behind every successful man is a woman! As within, so without! Blessings to all!​​​

Sometimes we need guidance and a container, a helping hand, for support and to give us the coded energetic transmissions to open the channel within us, to go to our next level, wherever you are on the path of awakening, enquiry, career, love, health, prosperity or wealth, THIS WILL BRING YOU KEYS & CODES FROM DIVINE SOURCE


The chalice, the grail, is your divine feminine womb wisdom, activating yourself as goddess and devotion to her light, brings you prosperity in all arenas​. So you will be guided into activating your chalice, to a new level for your own personal path, opening even more than ever to your divine source as a rose, a Goddess​​. For the Goddess chalice activation is the source of all, beauty grace prosperity wealth health... And light is always your guide , and has the power to transform all blocks, and shower you with gold….


And so sometimes you need ways to INSPIRE you, help and support you to open that pathway, a container to hold you on your path of enquiry, and this course is designed to do exactly that​​​​, to LIGHT YOU UP and get the fires & waters flowing


There is also invitation here for EMBODIMENT of divine laws: there are channelled codes here being brought through direct from spirit which you won't find anywhere else, these are blended with my own decades of deep soul searching, the techniques and teachings from various great sages, gurus, teachers, alchemists & healers that have inspired along the way



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